What’s Your Place?

new-book-cover-for-what's-your-placeWelcome to the “What’s Your Place?” blog, by George Lorenzo, based on a series of ebooks in progress. COMMENTS ARE WELCOME!


Introduction:  At the end of last year (2015), I celebrated my 62nd birthday and decided to start collecting social security now instead of waiting until 66 or 70 as many people do. I recently collected my first meager monthly check, which covers almost two-thirds of my rent and nothing more than that. So, true retirement is not an option, nor will it ever be for me.

I’m not complaining, though. I’m happy to work. I want to work. It’s just that if I get sick, life could get nasty and very difficult. So, maintaining good health is more important today than ever. I have my challenges in the health arena (type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, neuropathy, moderate spinal stenosis, slightly poor cholesterol, breathing issues from a lobectomy years ago) as do many of the elderly that I see every day in my neighborhood and in the local malls where I walk indoors each morning during the winter months.

With this new stage of life, I have made it my mission to learn as much as I can about aging through deep research and study and write about it on this blog and on my new website.

Since I have been a freelance writer, editor, publisher, and skilled synthesizer of valid and authoritative information for all of my adult life, it is almost a no brainer to write about this topic for both selfish and altruistic reasons.  

The assembly of what I discover and experience during this final, hopefully decades long, period of life begins here.  

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